Diamond Rough® Education
Trade Course

Our unrelenting goal for our clients and students is to make them wise in the ways of the Diamond Trade. We provide them with the tools to reduce their risk while increasing profits and profitability, thereby ensuring that sustainable success is the only possible option.

The DiamondRough® Education Course is about the science and business of Diamond Rough. This cutting-edge course of study is generally customized to fit the requirements of the students. Classes are always small (1-3 individuals). We have thousands of carats of rough in hundreds of different types and origins for student examination.

Many have used our intensive, professional course as a portal of entry into the Diamond Rough business world. Call us today...

USA PHONE: 702-880-9044 --- ISRAEL PHONE: 972-52-727-4744

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Adite® Diamond ID TEST Tools

The most reliable & accurate test to determine whether a diamond is real or fake. For both Rough and Polished Diamonds.

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Photos and Data Copyright © Kenneth Glasser Co., LLC
DiamondRough® is a registered trademark.